Sunday, April 15, 2007

Urban Explorers Film

Urban Explorers:Into the Darkness is a new film making the festival rounds this season and seems to latch on to a lot of the things this site is meant to document. Don't know too much about this film although it seems to be gaining a lot of popular and critical attention. Quite a bit of attention is being drawn to the phenomenon. Often mistaken for terrorists, the exploration in newspapers and other media outlets where the film is being screened. It will be interesting to see what the hype does to the awareness of this kind of urban exploration if any.

They crawl through storm drains, wander around faded tourist attractions, and rappel into long forgotten Government sites. Some do it for the thirill of being where they're not supposed to be and not knowing what lies ahead. Others do it to document a history that is about to be demolished.

You can find out more information here at their Official Site.

Or on YouTube you can watch the trailer HERE